Article from Straits Times Forum, 22 July 2013
MR JOHN McBeth's commentary ("Retirement is bad for your health"; last Friday) is a timely reminder for employees to plan for life after a full-time corporate career.
There will always be an expiry date on our corporate life, and given the likelihood of a longer lifespan, it is crucial that we plan to transition from a full-time corporate job to a portfolio of activities that will allow us to keep our minds agile and active - potentially for between 10 and 20 years.
This is helpful in coping with dementia and other related old-age illnesses.
The planning for life after our corporate careers needs to begin when we are in our 40s or even earlier. The consequences of not doing so can affect the quality of our lives and potentially threaten our health.
Paul Heng
Life Coach
NeXT Corporate Coaching Services